
16 January

It was a good day to play inside....Gail


  1. I love this photo :-) Cute colorful leaf..For us today was an excellent day to be outside..Sunny and in the 60's :-)

  2. So pretty...the color of the jar is quite nice...I have lots of days playing inside lately..we have had very few sunny, warm days...but it's all good...

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my post...so funny about the Teardrop camper...it's not for us either..we are well into retirement so a bit bigger would be nice...but oh my 22 feet wow..that is lovely...we have already been all over the world so we just want something to putz around in here in New England...a few days at a time...but I will look forward to your adventures in the Airstream..that's the cadillac of travel...
    I sure hope your going to write about it...
