
31 December

As the year closes I am amazed that I managed to never miss a day here although on many days the only photo I took was with my iphone.  I am happy to have this little connection with my adult daughters...it does make me feel a little closer to them. I have thoroughly enjoyed seeing the daily family life of Sarah's world and the busy city life and apartment renovations of Eliza's world.   I find it fun to say to family and friends that I don't see often that they can check out what we are up to at OXOXO:)  It makes me smile when people are surprised about it and yet it surprises me when people say they have visited and enjoyed it.
One thing I learned from this experience was how much I enjoy looking for beauty in the ordinary things in life.  I would rather take a photo on my walk around the pond or in my house than go looking for the perfect spot.  I had hoped that the discipline of posting a daily photo would improve my photos and I think it has.  I have also fallen in love with iphoneography with all its apps and convenience...in fact I have started an iphone photo 365 for 2012.

So here is to another year and another attempt to capture a little of slice of life every day...Gail

Hooray for a first of many trips to Flaco's - and Just Dance 3, which
kept us up until 2012!...Sarah

The year has finally come to a close, and I thought it would be appropriate to write a little note on what threeos (or oxoxo as we call it) has come to mean to me over the year and what I have learned from this project. 

So, in no particular order - what I learned from oxoxo this year:

1.  My sister is incredibly artistic and creative!  Who knew ;) - seriously though, I guess if you were going to stereotype the two of us I always thought of my sister as the intelligent one while I got to be the artistic/creative one.  Sarah excelled in school and trivia games - and I liked to act in plays and paint and draw.  So, it was amazing to see how wonderful all of her photos were - I am truly blown away.  I hope that she learned that about herself as well and continues to expand on her talents.

2.  My mother is amazing.  I am not just saying this for brownie points, she came up with this neat idea for us to stay in contact through out the year and it worked.  Mostly it was just a great way to see how she has been growing as an artist herself, and I think mom at this point you should start to realize that is what you truly are!  She has taught me through her own experience that it never is too late to learn new things and have new passions.  I love how immersed in a new idea she truly becomes - its not enough to just start taking photos, it becomes classes and workshops and reaching into the blogoshere.  My mother has more of a pulse on pop culture than I do!  She really was what drove me to keep doing this blog.

3.  And what did I learn about myself - well the most important thing that oxoxo has taught me this year (and I don't mean this in a negative way) was how out of whack my life is.  I think I didn't want to send photos in half the time because I felt like I had nothing to photograph.  This year, the majority of my life consisted of getting up, going to work, coming home, making dinner, watching tv, going to bed and repeating.  Even if that wasn't necessarily true, it's how I felt.  Seeing all the interesting things that Sarah and my Mom were doing everyday with the kids or just walks around the pond helped me to see my life in a different perspective.  It made me realize that I was ready for the next step and that I was not totally satisfied with what I was doing.

This is how oxoxo helped Chris and I to make the most important decision of our lives, and start a family of our own.  I am so excited to have a new focus in my life, a better one - with all the wonderful photo opportunities it will bring.

So Happy New Year to everyone!  This year really will be an amazing one for Chris and I, full of new adventures and excitement.  Every day we get closer and closer to meeting the little person who is kicking around inside and I am so excited to be a mom and see how wonderful a dad Chris will be.  I wish everyone a year full of love and surprises of their own.


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