
10 January

Looking for balance...Gail
I've already given up on keeping Trent off the fish tank - and now I
don't have to worry about his water bowl...Sarah

Monday is usually one of my days off and since no one is around I'm pretty productive; today I got the remote car starter installed, jogged, cleaned the bathroom and vaccumed, and started to organize paperwork from 2010...Mrs R


  1. I love the idea here. What a nice way to keep in touch. Good luck with it!

  2. Great new blog! and yes, I alway let the cats drink out of the fishtank... atleast you know they won't get dehydrated and it eliminated my kicking the water bowl around the kitchen :-)

  3. Great fun! I've always loved the concept of 3191. This is such a great way to connect with loved ones. Makes me want to do it with my daughter too. If only I were not already over-blogged! :)

  4. Wonderful new blog, Gail & all... I love these every day still life moments. :o)

  5. congrats on the new blog - great shots. love love the first one especially
