
31 December

Welcome 2014!  We are ready for you!....Gail


30 December

Sylvie's heater is working fine as she gets ready for a party...Gail


29 December

Spending a rainy afternoon at the museum never disappoints...Gail

28 December

We went to the beach for a walk but we stayed for the snowy owl and the sunset...Gail

27 December

Even Kaja was up for a walk around the pond today...Gail

26 December

There was time for a nap in the afternoon...Gail

25 December

Joy to the World!...Gail


24 December

I didn't need to worry that I didn't make enough food...Gail

23 December

Lots of last minute preparations today but I still haven't done any wrapping....Gail

22 December

Their family party was delightful and delicious and I was happy to be included...Gail

21 December

The ice is melting in today's warm weather...Gail


20 December

My shopping expedition may not have been successful but lunch certainly was...Gail

19 December

I am happy to have a reason to go for a hike in the snow...Gail

18 December

Sylvie got a Christmas tree...Gail


17 December

Everything is shiny and bright at this time of year....Gail


16 December

The walk around the pond was filled with the sound of crunching snow underfoot...Gail


15 December

Neither one could think of anything to ask Santa for...Gail

14 December

We are still waiting for good weather to take Sylvie in for some fix-ups...Gail


13 December

We enjoyed our annual shopping and lunch trip and bought as much for ourselves as we did for gifts...Gail


12 December

I found that I really enjoyed spending this icy cold, sparkling clear birthday morning hiking...Gail

11 December

Snow is the best of Christmas decorations...Gail

10 December

Slowly but surely things are coming out of storage...Gail


9 December

A course of antibiotics and estrogen has given her a reprieve...Gail

8 December

It is amazing what a bribe of more screen time can do...Gail

7 December

I thought that white pumpkin was purely ornamental but the puree was sweet and silky...Gail

6 December

We are fortunate that we can spend so many nights out with friends...Gail

5 December

 Fortunately the rain didn't start until after our hike...Gail


4 December

I was looking for stars today and found them in unexpected places....Gail

3 December

My eyes were so dilated I couldn't enjoy a walk even if I had sunglasses on...Gail

2 December

I finally got out the Christmas decorations which means the storeroom had to be cleaned...Gail

1 December

The fog was magical today...Gail


30 November

I'm not sure what I was thinking when I bought a turkey to cook just so I could have leftovers...Gail

29 November

We did our very best to walk off the excesses of yesterday...Gail

28 November

There is so much for me to be thankful for everyday not only on this day...Gail

27 November

I feel like I am getting away with doing nothing for this holiday...Gail


26 November

There are a lot of branches down from the recent windstorm...Gail

25 November

If it was still windy I probably wouldn't have taken my walk today...Gail


24 November

We got there just before it closed and now can make hot cider toddies on this very cold day...Gail

23 November

Good friends and good food go well together....Gail

22 November

We finally made some vacation plans and now I'm excited....Gail

21 November

Each Thursday hike seems to outdo the others...Gail


20 November

I have always had an irresistible urge to collect pinecones....Gail

19 November

November roses must represent fortitude and survival...Gail


18 November

The warm weather brought out many hikers along my usual walk and it also brought out the ticks...Gail

17 November

The runners were much more in focus than I was....Gail


16 November

 In a fantasy world the restaurants I like would never be overcrowded...Gail



15 November

We have to leave earlier and earlier to make it around the pond before it gets dark...Gail

14 November

Yet another gorgeous hike on a beautiful day....Gail

13 November

The golden hour is so early these November days...Gail


12 Novemeber

It wasn't much but today was the season's first snow...Gail